Printing the Files List


When you select Print the following screen appears :


Move the pointer on the differents fields and buttons of the following screen to obtain context sensitive help.



· Year to print : select Year to print. Enter « XXXX » to print files of all years in which files were created.


· Report type : select report type. Three (3) choices are offered. In the detailed report, all data entered at file creation will be printed for each file. The Summary report will contain only the name of the file, client name, telephone number and contract date. The Customer Profile report will give a summary of all informations about a specific file : client name, address, etc, client notes (if applicable), billing notes (if applicable) and detail of submitted invoices (if applicable). When you select the Customer Profile report, the « List » button became active so you can access the Files list in order to choose the desired client.


· Manager : if you need to print the files list for the files managed by a specific employee, enter his employee's number in this field.


· Sort by : when printing the Files list, it is possible to select the sorting mode in order to print the list in a particular order. The following choices are availables :


· Sort by file number

· Sort by description

· Sort by client name and description


· Click on « Cancel » to stop printing.


After choosing report type, click on « Ok », you will have the choice to send the report to the printer or on the screen..



You can click on the printer icon to change the printer:




Note : Screen shown above may differ from what is displayed on your monitor. Your version of WindowsÒ as well as your printer will determine the aspect of this screen.


When all information for printing is satisfactory, click on « Ok ». You can then views documents prior to printing. More information on printing reports is contained in the section on Printing and viewing reports and invoices .