Product Listing sub-menu


With TimeGold you can bill your clients not only for time but also for certain other products and items you offer (e.g.: photocopies) and which are not included in the contract with your client. This list forms part of the TimeGold products and services module.


Note : the Products Listing module is not an inventory system. Its main advantage is to avoid having to enter product pricing and description each time you wish to invoice an item listed in the Products Listing.


Note : on first use, the Products Listing will be empty, thus you must list the various products you supply in your operations. You may add new products at any time.


The following sections describe TimeGold features to help you make use of the Product Listing submenu.


· First use of Product Listing sub-menu

· Managing Product Listing

· Adding a new Product

· Product Listing

· Search in Product Listing