Time : Per file, per job stage


To obtain a printed report establishing time worked on a file for each job stage, from the main menu, select Reports menu, Cost of files sub-menu and Time : Per file, per job stage sub-menu. Cost of file per job stage screen will appear :


Move the pointer on the differents fields and buttons of the following screen to obtain context sensitive help.




When data entry is completed, click on « Ok » to access printing and viewing module or on « Cancel » to abort. For more information on printing and viewing reports, refer to Printing and Viewing Reports and Invoices .


Report will list the following information on the file :


· Title of job stages

· Hours billable to client per job stage

· Non-billable hours per job stage

· Total hours worked per job stage

· Total hours worked


In the lower part of the report, is shown total amount (before taxes) of invoices submitted for file selected.